祝🐍巳年 切り絵動画 ヤマタノオロチ Happy New Year of Snake Recitation Film"Kojiki (Ancient Japanese Legends),Yamatano-orochi-The Eight-Headed Serpent""
At the end of last year, I was suddenly struck by lower back pain.
Unfamiliar garden work left me unable to walk. At times, like when getting up in the morning, I couldn’t even get dressed. This all began right around the time I started working on this reading video.
“The serpent (Orochi) has descended!”
I thought, I must vanquish it. After three weeks of struggle and countless "export failures," I finally completed it on January 2nd. Thanks to that, the pain has now eased to the point where I can walk somehow. Facing myths where eternal spirits reside is no easy task. The power of "kotodama" (the spirit of words) is truly fearsome.
太鼓朗読 古事記「八俣の大蛇」
Taiko Recitation: Kojiki "Yamata no Orochi–The 8-Headed Serpent" JPN Read/ENG Subs
【ノーヘルでノーベル書けばノーベル賞?】Jordan Smith詩集『Syzygy』〜目くるめくJapanglishの世界!傑作は常にnovel(新しい)+Eng.Ver
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