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【誤字熟語 ひれいく「悲霊苦」"Sad Spirir Suffering"】 一俵の重み Which is more important, rights or rice?

  明日・10月15日告示の、衆議院・解散総選挙に寄せて制作。  This video was created in anticipation of the announcement for the House of Representatives' dissolution and general election, which will be held tomorrow, October 15. 【誤字熟語/Typo Tropes~Definition of word 俳句Haiku】「悲霊苦」“Sad Spirit Suffering” JP&Eng Essay 一俵の重み🌾花咲か爺語る Which is more important,rights or rice? spoken by a flower-blooming elder.  

【誤字熟語/Typo Tropes~Definition of word】夜艶階段(よつやかいだん)“Night’s Sexual Steps” JP & EN Version (怪談 Horror)






Night’s Sexual Steps

     I learned from social media that a stunningly beautiful woman lived in a mansion on a hill where nightly soirees were held, so despite my age, I dressed in my finest clothes, picked a bouquet of crape myrtle from my garden, and set out with my cane, only to find an “Off-limits” sign at the base of the hill, causing me to hesitate until suspicious glances from fireworks spectators passing by in the gathering dusk compelled me to timidly start my ascent, whereupon the stone steps, as slippery as ice, forced me to stow my bouquet and cane in my belt and crawl on all fours, with the dimly glowing stones groaning, “Hiyah, hiyah” beneath my hands, leading me to think, “Oh man. Some guy is already enjoying this,” as I crawled, suppressing my excitement and trembling hips, and then the groans turned into sorrowful cries of “I’m coming,” “Don’t go,” making me glance back to see the distant figures of a policeman and the fireworks crowd below, who looked as small as on a smartphone screen, just as a thunderous bang and tremor shook my elderly body, causing me to collapse onto the steps, which I then realized were sunburned skin, as I saw lips, eyes, and other male parts glistening in the

iridescent light of a climaxing firework, with tongues lolling from the mouths, pleading, “I’m coming,” “Don’t go,” both sensually and pitifully, prompting me to reflect on how some continue to cling even when flattened, while others repent and offer warnings, adding the sheen of my tears to the sebum and bodily fluids on this midsummer night, a tale of horror that blurs the line between dream and reality.

Beauty so sinful

That makes me forget what’s true.

Still, I’m loving you.
