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【誤字熟語 ひれいく「悲霊苦」"Sad Spirir Suffering"】 一俵の重み Which is more important, rights or rice?

  明日・10月15日告示の、衆議院・解散総選挙に寄せて制作。  This video was created in anticipation of the announcement for the House of Representatives' dissolution and general election, which will be held tomorrow, October 15. 【誤字熟語/Typo Tropes~Definition of word 俳句Haiku】「悲霊苦」“Sad Spirit Suffering” JP&Eng Essay 一俵の重み🌾花咲か爺語る Which is more important,rights or rice? spoken by a flower-blooming elder.  

【分断と不満に挟まれ海(み)も渇き 〜Division in the U.S. Frustration in JP. Starvation in body.】







On the 22nd (Japan time), Vice President Kamala Harris of the Democratic Party was announced as the successor to President Joe Biden for the upcoming presidential election. On the Republican side, former President Donald Trump, who narrowly escaped death after being shot in the ear, remains their candidate. The exchange of accusations between the two parties continues unabated.

In Japan, the government and Prime Minister show little sign of prioritizing the recovery of the Noto Peninsula, which has struggled to rebuild since the earthquake earlier this year. Instead, they are preoccupied with resolving (or avoiding) the bribery scandal and supporting the war effort. Meanwhile, the intense heat following the end of the rainy season leaves my body and mind feeling dried out like anchovies. This haiku reflects my state of mind:

Division in the U.S.

Frustration in JP.

Starvation in body.
