"la luna"(by Manfred Chobot/reading by POETAQ)Wins Special Award at Vienna Poetry Festival! ウィーンの詩映画祭で特別賞受賞!
応募は初めて。ウィーンで10年以上開催されている名高い詩祭らしいことをWebで知り、その課題詩『la luna』の制作に入ったのが、確か5月末だった。正式名称は「Art Visials and Poetry Film Festival Vienna」
The Special Award after the film adaptation of Manfred Chobot's
poem "la luna" went to Poetaq from Japan for its film adaptation of
the poem with the same title.
Jury statement: Above an evening forest and mountain landscape
that constantly changes its colors stands a full moon, which also
constantly changes its color. The text of the poem appears in the
foreground in written form. But the spoken text detaches itself from
the image, rising up to become a kind of angelic voice from the sky,
which even satirizes the words. This text film surprises in its urgency
and convinces as an independent work of art.
マンフレッド・チョボットの詩「la luna」の映画化作品に贈られる特別賞は、日本のポエタクが受賞した。
まずは、この素晴らしいフェスティバルに対して、ありがとうと言わせてください。そして、私の作品を選んでくれた先生方とLa Lunaの作者マンフレッド・チョボット氏に対しても。私はこのアワードに選ばれたことを心から嬉しく誇りに思います。改めて感謝申し上げます。
私がLa Lunaを読んで最初に受けた印象は、「これはすごい反戦詩」ということです。このフィルムを製作している時期は、ちょうどゼレンスキー大統領がNATO首脳会議に出席し、いよいよ世界が真っ二つに割れそうな時でした。それと同時に、私も左の耳鳴りが始まって夜も眠られなくなっていた。世界情勢も個人もつながっている。勘弁してよ!
また、朗読方法に関しては、ウィーン生まれの有名な作曲家シェーンベルクの「Pierrot lunaire(ピエロ・リュネール)」を参考にした。あのオペラ風の作品は、Sprechstimmeー「語るように歌う (Sprechgesang・シュプレヒゲザング)」で歌われてる。それが「La Luna」にピッタリと思った。
po von zwei zitzen gesäugt und po(二つの乳房を分かち合っていたぽとポ)。というのに、我々が争いばかりやっていたら、母の象徴である(la luna)が嘆く。マンフレッド・チョボットの詩は、いまだ争いの絶えない世に対する嘆きであり、プロテストーーそれこそが詩人の使命だと信じています。この栄誉を力にして、更なる精進をしてまいります。
The Poetry Film Festival had a deadline at the end of August.
It was my first time submitting. I learned about this renowned poetry festival in Vienna, which has been held for over 10 years, through the web. I started working on the challenge poem "la luna" around the end of May.
Understanding the depth of the work through translation was eye-opening. It begins with the craters of the moon, unfolds into the Roman myth of the brothers Romulus and Remus, and reveals the karma of humanity and history. Coincidentally, during these times, the President of Ukraine was urging for further military support at the NATO Summit. I aimed to express the masterpiece of Austria's national poet as a protest song. It became a hybrid dance tune, combining dance beats with Noh drama. Additionally, I took on the exhilarating challenge of attempting a recitation of Schoenberg's "Pierrot Lunaire."
Below, I transcribed the audio of the message video before the screening. My thoughts are packed into this space.
Hello, everyone. I'm POETAQ, living in Japan. making poetry films and participating in online poetry readings, mainly at Nuyorican Poets Cafe.
First, I would like to say many thanks to this awesome festival, all of the jury, and Mr.Manfred Chobot,the poet of "la luna." I am so glad and honored to be selected for this award. So I appreciate it!
The first impression I had when I read "La Luna" was that it's an amazing protest poem. I started working on this film around the time when President Zelensky attended the NATO summit, and I felt like the world was about to split in two. And the same time, I began to be bothered by tinnitus in my left ear and couldn't get sleep. Oh my god, global issues and personal ones are linked. Give me a break!
So, instead of a lullaby to silence the ringing in my ears, I recorded the sounds of crickets in a grassy field and used them as the background for this film. Wishing for both the world and myself to find peaceful sleep.
About the reading style, I got inspiration from Arnold Schoenberg, the famous composer born in Vienna, and his work "Pierrot Lunaire," which is performed by "Sprechgesang," a kind of speak-singing. So I tried to do this style because it matched for the title "La Luna" and its dreamy mood.
For the background percussion, I used traditional Japanese Noh flute and drums, along with African drums, reading in a Sπrechgesang and rap style. So this film is a hybrid of different cultures.
Culture is indeed a peaceful power and poetry represents it. That’s why I focus on text animation when making poetry films.
Finally ,we are like brothers and sisters on the same planet like Romulus and Remus. Although , if we keep on fighting, the symbol of mother (La Luna) grieves. Mr. Manfred Chobot's poem is a elegy and a protest against the never-ending war. I believe that's the poet's mission. So, I'll continue creating inspired by the energy of this honor and poem.
Thank you so so much again! See you someday,somewhere.
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