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祝🐍巳年 切り絵動画 ヤマタノオロチ  Happy New Year of Snake Recitation Film"Kojiki (Ancient Japanese Legends),Yamatano-orochi-The Eight-Headed Serpent"" 

  昨年末、突然、腰痛に見舞われた。慣れぬ庭作業で歩行困難に。起床時などは着替えさえ出来なかった。それが始まったのが、ちょうどこの朗読動画に着手した頃である。 「蛇(オロチ)が降りてきた!」  これは退治せねば、と、三週間の格闘と度重なる「書き出し失敗」の末、完成したのが正月二日だった。お陰で、現在はなんとか歩けるまでに痛みは緩和している。悠久の魂魄が息づく神話と対峙するのは容易でない。恐るべし「言霊」である。 At the end of last year, I was suddenly struck by lower back pain. Unfamiliar garden work left me unable to walk. At times, like when getting up in the morning, I couldn’t even get dressed. This all began right around the time I started working on this reading video. “The serpent (Orochi) has descended!” I thought, I must vanquish it. After three weeks of struggle and countless "export failures," I finally completed it on January 2nd. Thanks to that, the pain has now eased to the point where I can walk somehow. Facing myths where eternal spirits reside is no easy task. The power of "kotodama" (the spirit of words) is truly fearsome. 太鼓朗読 古事記「八俣の大蛇」 Taiko Recitation: Kojiki "Yamata no Orochi–The 8-Headed Serpent" JPN Read/ENG Subs

"π" Selected for the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival(Berlin) 2023! ZEBRA poetry Film Festival 2023(ベルリン)で「π」が入選!


"π" Selected for the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival 2023!

My operatic-style recitation piece "π" has been selected for the 2023 ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival. I created and performed it in March of this year as a tribute to the third anniversary of the Nuyorican Poets Cafe Online Open Mic. It just so happened that March is "Pi Day (3.14)," and I remember hastily putting it together on a whim.

This marks my third time being selected for ZEBRA. In 2021, it was "The 3 Cresis," in 2022, Georg Luss's "Anderkatt" (Festival Poem). And this piece is a self-created, just like in 2021

This piece will be screened in the category "All the What-Ifs: Eco Poetry & Dystopia." Dystopia! That's precisely the theme I was addressing in this work.

The screening is scheduled for October 13th at 10:15 PM (Berlin time). According to the program, my piece will be the last to be shown. I can't help but worry that my eerie operatic recitation might leave the audience haunted by nightmares...

Ah, this is my third time being selected. Alongside Nuyorican, I'll have to make a trip to Berlin someday.


「π」がZEBRA Poetry Film Festival 2023に入選!

 私のオペラ風朗読作品「π」が2023年度のZEBRA Poetry Film Festivalに入選した。これは、今年3月、Nuyorican Poets Cafe Online Open Micの三周年記念に制作、披露したもの。ちょうど、3月は「パイデー(3・14)」。思いつきで、慌てて作ったのを覚えている。

 ZEBRAにはこれで三度目の入選となった。2021年は「The 3 Crises」、21年は Georg Luss氏(Festivel Poem)の「Anderkatt」、そして、21年に引き続いてのオリジナル作である。

 本作は「All the What ~Ifs  Eco PoetryEco Poetry&DEco Poetry&Dy stopia」というカテゴリーで上映される。Dystopia! まさに私が本作で訴えていたテーマだ。



"All the What-Ifs: Eco Poetry & Dystopia." (ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival 2023)
