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【二百年前の強き日本で候】本日2月18日「異国船打払令」発令日(文政八年 1825年)/What Guts! “The Edict to Repel Foreign Ships”(1825)

 ちょうど二百年前の今日、1825年の2月18日、 文政の「異国船打払令」、いわゆる「無二念打払令」が発令された。 その強きな姿勢に、初めて正式文書を読んだ私はいささか驚いたと同時に、逞しさを覚えた。 現代日本と「何たる違いだ!」と。  尤も、この後から情勢は急変、開国へと向かうわけだが、「いうべきことは言う」といった当時の幕府のポリシーと心意気が頼もしくうかがえる。まさに、武士道である。  ああ、しかし、今やそれも遠い過去となってしまったのか。。。  一縷の希望?を託したシャッフル・ビート(朗読)をお楽しみください。 Exactly two hundred years ago today, on February 18, 1825, the Edict to Repel Foreign Ships, also known as the No-Second-Thoughts Repel Order, was issued during the Bunsei era. When I read the official document for the first time, I was both surprised by its resolute stance and impressed by its boldness. I couldn’t help but think, "How different this is from Japan today!" Of course, the situation changed rapidly after this, eventually leading to the opening of the country. However, the shogunate’s policy and spirit at that time — one of “saying what must be said” — left me feeling reassured and inspired. This was truly the essence of Bushido. And yet... has all of that become nothing more than a distant memory? Please...

"BEE" ~f**king dance-beat spoken word (The first piece of this year 2023 )

When i got to know the theme of Open Mic in the early morning of Monday, Something f**king thoughts came upon me. So i rushed to make the lyrics, read them, and record my voice. Then launched creating motion text and uploaded it in the evening. 

OMG! It was the first time to make a lyric video just in a day!

The title is "BEE, " which matches the theme "science fact." Because i researched the biology of bees (honey bees) and i tried to express my f**kin thoughts from their lifespan.

Please enjoy watching this dance-beat spoken-word video!

一昨日の月曜朝、翌日のNuyoricanオンライン・マイクのテーマが「Science fact(科学的事実)」と知り、ヤバい⁈発想が浮んだ。そこで、早速、作詩、録音、ビデオ作りに取り掛かり、1分少々の尺だが、その日のうちに仕上げてしまった。(厳密には、翌日朝、オープニングとエンディングの蜂動画を加えた)。


