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【誤字熟語 ひれいく「悲霊苦」"Sad Spirir Suffering"】 一俵の重み Which is more important, rights or rice?

  明日・10月15日告示の、衆議院・解散総選挙に寄せて制作。  This video was created in anticipation of the announcement for the House of Representatives' dissolution and general election, which will be held tomorrow, October 15. 【誤字熟語/Typo Tropes~Definition of word 俳句Haiku】「悲霊苦」“Sad Spirit Suffering” JP&Eng Essay 一俵の重み🌾花咲か爺語る Which is more important,rights or rice? spoken by a flower-blooming elder.  

【Photo Haiku】Weekly Flower:Rose

【Weekly Flower:Rose】

(Flower Language: Red-Love,White-Purity,Blue-Mysterious,Yellow-Jealousy)

Greek Mythology Aphrodite Under the Rose = “In Secret"

Even Aphrodite 

Spent with a hottie on the rose bed.

Stigmata by thorns telling secrets.


【Greek Myth】

 Roses came into bloom with Aphrodite, Goddess of Beauty and Love, when she was born from the sea foam on the island of Cyprus.

 Aphrodite was ordered by Zeus to marry Hephaistos, the god of smiths, but Hephaistos was the ugliest of the twelve gods, so Aphrodite refused and fell in forbidden love with Ares, the god of war. 

 When Aphrodite's child found out about this, she asked the god of silence to silence her, and succeeded in keeping the secret to herself.Aphrodite's gift to the god of silence in return was a red rose.

 This myth gave rise to the proverb, "Under the rose," which means to keep a secret. 





