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祝🐍巳年 切り絵動画 ヤマタノオロチ  Happy New Year of Snake Recitation Film"Kojiki (Ancient Japanese Legends),Yamatano-orochi-The Eight-Headed Serpent"" 

  昨年末、突然、腰痛に見舞われた。慣れぬ庭作業で歩行困難に。起床時などは着替えさえ出来なかった。それが始まったのが、ちょうどこの朗読動画に着手した頃である。 「蛇(オロチ)が降りてきた!」  これは退治せねば、と、三週間の格闘と度重なる「書き出し失敗」の末、完成したのが正月二日だった。お陰で、現在はなんとか歩けるまでに痛みは緩和している。悠久の魂魄が息づく神話と対峙するのは容易でない。恐るべし「言霊」である。 At the end of last year, I was suddenly struck by lower back pain. Unfamiliar garden work left me unable to walk. At times, like when getting up in the morning, I couldn’t even get dressed. This all began right around the time I started working on this reading video. “The serpent (Orochi) has descended!” I thought, I must vanquish it. After three weeks of struggle and countless "export failures," I finally completed it on January 2nd. Thanks to that, the pain has now eased to the point where I can walk somehow. Facing myths where eternal spirits reside is no easy task. The power of "kotodama" (the spirit of words) is truly fearsome. 太鼓朗読 古事記「八俣の大蛇」 Taiko Recitation: Kojiki "Yamata no Orochi–The 8-Headed Serpent" JPN Read/ENG Subs

【Photo Haiku】Love FM Festival 21 Got to meet DJ ANNA!



Love FM Festival 21が久留米百年公園にて開催。



ThanQ So Much,ANNA❣️

【with DJ ANNA】(at Love FM Festival🎉)
OMG‼️ I got to meet the DJ ANNA🎤🔥

I went to the Love FM Festival (Oct 9)to say thank you the popular DJ ANNA of LoveFM, a multilingual FM station in JP, for introducing Nuyorican Poets CAFE to the public first time in JP. 

I was not sure if I would be able to see her, but I was lucky enough to run into her between the programs.

I had to make her pose four times because the sunglasses darkened the viewfinder, but she was so kind to take the picture with me😅

Next, I hope I could talk more about Cafe🎤🍾 in the LoveFM Studio along with poetry readings📕‼️

Thank you so much DJ ANNA❣️

Hi,ANNA!im so glad to have met u&still excited like a DREAM.Sorry for shouting"ANNA!"&got u to doVサイン4times cuz 🕶 darkened the screen.But English opens our mind?We greeted like old friends (only me?嬉し泣き)i wish i could read to u at LoveSta someday!
