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祝🐍巳年 切り絵動画 ヤマタノオロチ  Happy New Year of Snake Recitation Film"Kojiki (Ancient Japanese Legends),Yamatano-orochi-The Eight-Headed Serpent"" 

  昨年末、突然、腰痛に見舞われた。慣れぬ庭作業で歩行困難に。起床時などは着替えさえ出来なかった。それが始まったのが、ちょうどこの朗読動画に着手した頃である。 「蛇(オロチ)が降りてきた!」  これは退治せねば、と、三週間の格闘と度重なる「書き出し失敗」の末、完成したのが正月二日だった。お陰で、現在はなんとか歩けるまでに痛みは緩和している。悠久の魂魄が息づく神話と対峙するのは容易でない。恐るべし「言霊」である。 At the end of last year, I was suddenly struck by lower back pain. Unfamiliar garden work left me unable to walk. At times, like when getting up in the morning, I couldn’t even get dressed. This all began right around the time I started working on this reading video. “The serpent (Orochi) has descended!” I thought, I must vanquish it. After three weeks of struggle and countless "export failures," I finally completed it on January 2nd. Thanks to that, the pain has now eased to the point where I can walk somehow. Facing myths where eternal spirits reside is no easy task. The power of "kotodama" (the spirit of words) is truly fearsome. 太鼓朗読 古事記「八俣の大蛇」 Taiko Recitation: Kojiki "Yamata no Orochi–The 8-Headed Serpent" JPN Read/ENG Subs

【エラくよりエロく生きたい DISAPPEARING BOY】Sex & Politics ~Short Review of Paul LaTorre "DISAPPEARING BOY"

 Paul LaTorre(con queso) gavr me a cool nickname "Secentric Poet".It was when I made my debut at Nuyorican Poets Cafe Online Open Mic with "Here Comes The Ship."
   He is a well-known poet. Also teaches creative writing at a college in NZ. I finally got my hands on a copy of his poetry yesterday. I've been listening to him read at Nuyorican Poets Cafe Online Open Mic for the past year, and his machine-gun reading and rich vocabulary are a bit difficult for me, a Japanese, to catch. 

 However, when I read his poetry collection again, I found it to be rich in design and written like a kind of art. And when I read them silently, I can hear his voice. It is a magical collection of poems. Here is a short review as a tribute to him. 
(This is also what I wrote on my Instagram.@poetaq50 (Instagram)


Sex & Politics ~Short Review of Paul LaTorre "DISAPPEARING BOY" 


Rape is about power,not sex.
A display of dominance
("Dark Arts" *nominated for a pushcartprize )

The first time I joined Nuyorican Poets Cafe's online open mic was last May. It was two nights after Mr. George Floyd was murdered, and I vividly remember MC Bruja burning a memorial aroma for him at the beginning of the open mic.

At that time, the thinking of "Priority" (perhaps due to the influence of the previous regime) was rampant. Even when the coronavirus became a significant issue that the world had to unite to deal with, the former president was still talking about "searching for the culprit". Many obeyed him. It was a time when there was no distinction between right and wrong, a time of "darkness. It was a time of political "rape."

Our greatest weapon
only takes the kinda strength
that doesn't come
from press;
from muscles
or being ripped
or being 'fixed'
or being perfection any sense,

But this poet appeals,what we humans should choose is neither violence nor guns. History has long taught us that violence begets violence.
 What is it that we should respect? His verses shine.

To err is human,/
to fuck up is a given
but to live is divine

 Paul LaTorre is an "Advocate of Humanity" who proclaims the restoration of human rights through eroticism!

"DISAPPEARING BOY" Paul LaTorre (3 Mile Harbor Press /NY 3 Mile Harbor Press)

Paul LaTorre is a poet, activist and educator who teaches at Bloomfield College in New Jersey. Blending pop culture with advocacy for various forms of trauma including abuse, disorder, and mental health issues, his aim is to create dark poems with a sense of levity. Paul’s work has been published in Zeitgeist, Drunk Monkeys, Narrative Northeast, BLINK and has been featured on the DREAM Act’s ‘voices’ portal.(from:3 Mile Harbor Press)


 Paul LaTorre(con queso)は、私に "Secentric Poet "というクールなニックネームをつけてくれた。それは、私がNuyorican Poets Cafe Online Open Micでデビュー朗読 "Here Comes The Ship "を披露した時のことだった。

   彼は言わずと知れた詩人で、NZの大学でクリエイティブ・ライティングを教えている。昨日(4月26日)、ようやく彼の詩集が届いた。この1年間、Nuyorican Poets Cafe Online Open Micで彼の朗読を聴いてきたが、彼のマシンガンのような朗読と豊富な語彙は、日本人の私には些か聴き取りがたい。


セックス&ポリティクス ~ショートレビュー "DISAPPEARING BOY" ポール・ラトーレ



 (「DARK ARTS」)※プッシュカート賞にノミネート

 Nuyorican Poets Cafeのオンライン・オープンマイクに初めて参加したのは、昨年の5月だった。ジョージ・フロイド氏が殺害された2日後の夜で、オープンマイクの冒頭でMCブルーハが彼のために追悼の香を焚いたのを鮮明に覚えている。

 当時は、(前政権の影響か)「プライオリティー」という考え方が蔓延していた。コロナウイルスが、世界が一丸となって取り組まなければならない重要な問題になっていたときも、前大統領は「犯人探し」を口にしていた。多くの人は彼に従った。それは善悪の区別がない「闇」の時代だった。政治的な "レイプ "の時代だったのだ。
















"DISAPPEARING BOY" Paul LaTorre (3 Mile Harbor Press /NY 3 Mile Harbor Press)

ポール・ラトーレは、詩人、活動家、教育者であり、ニュージャージー州のブルームフィールド大学で教えています。ポップカルチャーと、虐待、障害、メンタルヘルス問題など、さまざまな形のトラウマへのアドボカシーを融合させ、ダークな雰囲気の中にも明るさを感じさせる詩を目指しています。ポールの作品は、Zeitgeist、Drunk Monkeys、Narrative Northeast、BLINKに掲載されているほか、DREAM Actの「voice」ポータルでも紹介されている。

 エラくよりエロく生きたい DISAPPEARING BOY


Paul LaTorre”Dark Arts" Text & Audio from"NarrativeNortheast"

